3D printed CAPTACO2 module

23 December 2019

While membrane development is going on in the laboratory testing new materials and compositions, other elements such as fluid dynamics, usability and dimensional constraints need to be adressed thinking in the final CO2 capturing device.

For this purpose the team in Eurecat Tarragona has successfully printed a complete 3D module, made of PETG, which took several attempts and more than 40 hours to be ready.

An extract of all the process is shown on the timelapse video below. The 3D printer is adding layer by layer until completing 236mm height, making an hexagonal shaped module.

The hexagonal shape improves stirring performance while allowing multiple flat CO2 capturing mebranes on the sides. Each of the twelve mebranes is protected by a 3D printed cover which prevents accidental contact.

In the bottom the precipitated carbonate will be collected in order to measure CO2 absortion efficiency.

On the top a 3D printed cover will keep the capturing solution inside the module and will acommodate the steering and sensing equipment.